On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mr. Clancy Steps Down as Scoutmaster

Mr. Clancy has passed the mantle of Scoutmaster to Mr. Kelley and has also offered the following note to the Troop

September 14, 2009

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Weymouth Heights Club and the Troop 2 Committee Chair for allowing me to serve this organization.

When Ron Parry died, Jimmy Hamilton stepped up and became Scoutmaster for a few years and then Jim chose to step down and turn over the responsibility to the committee. At the same time, Harold Porter chose to resign from the organization. Both men gave a tremendous amount of work and effort in support of Troop 2 and I would like to thank them.
Following the passing of Ron Parry in June of 2006, our organization experienced a period of adjustment during which we endured some growing pains. Shortly after Ron’s passing, we attempted to introduce a corporate structure for running the Troop but change is difficult for many people. We persevered and slowly and naturally gravitated to the new system with the understanding that although no one could ever manage the Troop as Ron Parry did, we as active committee members could successfully develop and implement a new model.

For the new parents of Troop 2, the organization operates similarly to a corporation in that the WHC selects the Troop Chair. The Troop 2 Committee Chair makes policy and sets the direction in which the troop heads. The Chair selects the people to perform specific tasks and the Chair is ultimately responsible for the program being a success. Reaching our current goals and setting future ones is an ongoing process. Part of this process is introducing young parents into the organization because they can offer enthusiasm and fresh ideas. We need these parents to be active in their son’s life in the Scouting program. Once people have served the Troop for a period of time, they can then step down and make it possible for others to serve.
I feel very confident that Jim Kelley brings the correct attitude to this program. Jim will continue using logic and reason to make decisions for the Troop. I have used three specific guidelines to support the decision-making process. When an idea is being considered, the first question that needs to be asked is ``Does this support the Scout?’’ The second question is ``Does this support the Troop?’’ The third is ``Does this support the organization?” If all three answers are yes, then it is right to move forward.

I am deeply honored to have served as Scoutmaster of Troop 2 and have my name in the same company as the other Troop 2 Scoutmasters such as Franklin Pratt and Ron Parry. Ron Parry was a father figure to many of us and later in life, he became more like a brother and he was always a friend. In the recent line of Scoutmasters, I feel privileged to serve between Jimmy Hamilton and Jimmy Kelley. I have great respect for both and I consider them younger brothers and close friends.

Best wishes to Troop 2. I know the Troop will carry on with honor and dignity. I feel blessed to have been a part of it.

With sincere appreciation,

Charlie Clancy