On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Troop 2 in the News

Check out page 25 of the December 2, 2009 edition of the Weymouth News.  There is a good write-up on our recent activities and events.  Thanks to Mr. Brian Chase for making the submission to the Weymouth News.

The complete text of the article after the link

Troop 2 Weymouth has had a very active and busy October and November. Our scouts camp monthly in Norwell at Valley Pines, learning outdoor skills including cooking on an open fire, handling of knives and axes, hiking and orienteering. Our scouts have all received their Totin’ Chip badge, which recognizes their knowledge of the safety and use of edged gear, including folding knives, hatchets and axes, and wood saws.

In addition to our regular outdoor program, our scouts also spent 3 days camping at Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod, with several scouts bicycling over 100 miles to earn the cycling badge through the trails along the National Seashore and Marconi Point.

Around town you may have seen our service projects, which include Eagle Scout projects from several scouts. Two of our scouts, Andres Butler and Geoff Haskell, achieved the Eagle rank recently, and Dan McMahon, Eric Hicks, and Bill Mullen are all working on their projects across town.

You may also have seen our troop in October at the Great Pumpkin Give-A-Wey, where our scouts were busy staffing the pumpkin patch and our booth which showcased photos of our canoe trips to Whitman’s Pond and the Back River. Our scouts navigated both waterways this fall, further honing their skills in preparation for a longer trip on the Saco River.

Several of our new scouts have joined the drum corps, and have mastered some of our parade pieces already, performing in the Veteran’s Day Parade and earning their Musician patch. Practices continue weekly, both on Monday nights before our troop meetings, and on Sunday evenings. Our drum and flag corps performs in all Weymouth parades, most recently the Veteran’s Day Parade, along with members of Cub Scout Pack 2 and their parents, and members of the Weymouth Heights Club.

Finally, over the Veteran’s Day Weekend we had our annual turkey dinner and flag retirement ceremony at the Valley Pines campground in Norwell. This event was supported by the Weymouth Heights Club, our sponsoring organization, which graciously provides the hall we meet in on North Street and much of the equipment we use for our activities as well.

Our scouts participated in a solemn and respectful ceremony honoring the sacrifices of our veterans and symbolically retiring several flags, including all flags collected throughout the year, and flags removed during the decoration of veteran’s graves in several Weymouth cemeteries on Memorial Day. Despite the noreaster and rain we had over 150 scouts and guests, and served a roasted turkey dinner with all the fixings to all comers.

As you can see, we are an active troop, and welcome all boys in the town to come to our Monday night meetings to see what scouting is all about. Troop 2 is the oldest troop in Old Colony Council, and will be celebrating our 100th birthday in 2011, recognizing 100 years of active scouting in the Town of Weymouth. For more information about Troop 2, please visit our website at www.troop2weymouth.com.