On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Troop 2 Ski Trip -Weymouth News

Check out this weeks edition of the Weymouth News for a great article detailing the Troop's trip to Shawnee Peak.  Thanks go out to Mr. O'Brien for putting the article together - he should have received the byline.

Troop 2 Ski Trip

Thirty-one boys from Weymouth’s Troop 2 headed north recently for their annual ski trip. The boys, their Scout leaders and a number of chaperoning dads braved temperatures that never went above the low 20s and had a great weekend.

The Troop headed to Shawnee Peak in Bridgton, Maine on Friday; most arrived in the afternoon but all made it by 9:00. Several of the boys skied Friday night under the moonlight, the serious moonlight. Actually it was overcast but Shawnee Peak offers good lighting on the trails.

Sound the alarms! Saturday started off a little earlier than planned as the fire alarm sounded at 6:00 AM. It turns out feeding a crew of 50 makes a little smoke (but no fire). Surprisingly, no one was grumpy. After breakfast and clean up, the boys were back onto the slopes. Six first-time skiers, a few newer skiers and one rickety old timer (yours truly) participated in lessons. Time well spent. The boys enjoyed more skiing Saturday afternoon and evening.

Sunday morning was less dramatic wakeup was but cold (8 below at 5:30 AM according to weather.com). Hot breakfast, clean up and pack up. Some of the boys headed home but a few hardy souls (not to mention legs) tackled the mountain for a few last runs.

Much of Scouting is about acquiring and developing skills. Six first-time skiers made the trip and learned the basics of skiing – getting in and out of equipment, standing and falling (properly), safety, getting on/off lifts and actual skiing. Several other boys earned their Snow Sports Merit Badge – a combination of safety practices including aid for ski-related situations and demonstration of skills in various conditions. Overall, the ski trip is meant as fun and social event for the boys. But I can tell you… I saw a lot of boys and young men doing more than just skiing. Teamwork, responsibility and camaraderie were evident all weekend.

Go www.troop2weymouth.blogspot.com to see pictures (even an x-ray) and to learn more about Weymouth’s Troop 2.

Stay tuned: Upcoming events for include competing in the Klondike Derby. This is an outdoor Iditarod-style event where the boys compete in various activities – ice rescues and various races. And the Troop’s Drum Corp (20 boys) will be part of opening ceremonies in an upcoming Boston Blazers professional lacrosse game.