The 2010 Historical Merit Badges (Pathfinding, Signaling, Tracking, and Carpentry) are available through Dec 31, 2010.
Scouts signed up for these badges at the meeting 11/15, and received a packet at that time with the requirements and study materials. Further materials were distributed at the Gym Night 11/22
We're offering two sessions to complete these badges, as outlined below:
Saturday 11/27
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM - Tracking and Signaling program
- Please bring a bag lunch
- Please prepare for Signaling by reviewing and learning Morse Code
- Please prepare for Tracking using the review materials provided
Saturday 12/4
9:00 AM - 10 AM Pathfinding
10: AM – 12:00 PM - Testing for Signaling and Tracking,
1:00 - 4:00 – Carpentry
- Please bring a bag lunch
Our schedule for the remainder of the year is below
12/11 – 12/12 December Campout
12/18 – Follow up weekend for First Aid (details TBA)
12/20 - Holiday Party
12/27 - Gym Night
As a reminder, the Drum Corps will continue practicing at 7 PM before all meetings at the clubhouse. Sunday practice is suspended until April 2011.