Tonight's meeting will be a softball game at Brad Hawes Park, starting at 6:30 PM.
This park is located on Lakehurst Ave.
Lakehurst Ave is off Mutton Lane - Mutton Lane is off Pleasant Street, or off Washington Street (Rt 53). Lakehurst Ave can also be accessed directly from Rt 53, near Hajjars.
Please bring a glove, water, and wear bug spray. We'll be playing until dusk, around 8:15 or so. The weather should be clear and sunny, and the field is in excellent condition despite the weekends wild weather.
For you history buffs - Brad Hawes Jr was a member of Troop 2 in the 30s & 40's, and the troop often held family picnics at this field. Some photos are below from a baseball game at this site in the late 1940/ early 50's.
Hope to see you at the game.