Over the years Troop 2 has held an annual awards and recognition dinner, with presentation of Eagle badges and other rank advancement and merit badges to the scouts of our troop. The date and venue has changed over the years, however the spirit of celebrating the achievements and efforts of these young men remains the same.
Some years the Troop may have one or two Eagle scouts to celebrate, other years we’ve had as many as 10 or 12 Eagles. Troop 2 is proud of the over 240 scouts who have earned scouting’s highest rank, but we are also proud of ALL achievements by our scouts, and this event gives us an opportunity to recognize their hard work and dedication.
In the past the event has been held at the Weymouth Heights Club, at Valley Pines, at the First Church Weymouth Heights, and is now held in the Immaculate Conception Parish Center.
Photos below show Eagle scouts honored at the WHC, VP, and at the First Church over the years.
First Church, mid 80's
Immaculate Conception, 2008
Immaculate Conception, 2008
Weymouth Heights Club, early 60s
Weymouth Heights Club, early 60s
2000 - Ten Eagles
1991 (80th Anniversary)
1974/1975 - 10 Eagles