Reminder - tonight's meeting is at the clubhouse. Drum practice will be at 7 PM, and the meeting will start immediately following at 7:30.
This evening we'll be finalizing the tent list for camp - come prepared with your tent partner to sign up for your tent. Scouts who choose to bring their own tent still need to have a tent partner. All scouts are strongly encouraged to have a tent partner.
Scouts should also return the signed cover page from the Summer Camp Information Packet at this meeting, confirming they've read the packet and understand all expectations for participation at Camp.
Adults planning to attend camp must be registered with the troop, complete a successful CORI check, and complete BSA Youth Protection training online.A current physical or BSA Medical Form is also required for all participants. Adults must complete all paperwork no later than the Monday meeting on 7/16. Mandatory adult orientation for Camp 2012 will be conducted on Sunday July 15th at 6 PM at the clubhouse. All who plan to attend camp must participate in this session.
Please see Mr. Chase for copies of the forms, or go to the following locations to download the forms
Adult Application Form
Old Colony Council CORI form
BSA Medical Form
BSA Youth Protection