On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend Reminders

At our meeting on Monday Delray Dorsey, Post Adjutant at Wessagussett VFW Post 1399, met with the scouts to discuss the importance of Memorial Day and their efforts in support of our veterans.

We have the following events this weekend to honor our vets.

1. Cemetery Flag Replacement

When: Saturday, May 24th 9 AM to 11 AM

Details: Our annual veterans service project is to assist with the replacement of flags on veterans graves in two cemeteries - Village Cemetery and the North Weymouth Cemetery.

All scouts gather at 7:30 at the Fireman's Memorial, in the Village cemetery across from KFC on Rt 53 - this is the first cemetery we flag, followed by the North Weymouth cemetery at 9 AM where we are joined by the Cub Scouts from Pack 2. 

Transportation is needed (parental carpool shuttles) between cemeteries.
No uniforms for this event - scouts should wear Pack 2 or Troop 2 t-shirts - drum corps, camp, etc - bug spray, suntan lotion,  and a water bottle are recommended.

At North Cemetery scouts must work in teams. Scouts should not cross North Street without letting the Scoutmaster know. 

2. Memorial Day Parade

When: Monday, May 26th, 9 AM to 11 AM
Details: All scouts are expected to march with the troop in the annual Memorial Day parade.
We will meet at the Pingree School at 9:00 AM to issue gear and prepare for the parade. The school is located just outside of Jackson Square, on Commercial Street. 

Please assemble in FULL uniform - shirt, pants (no shorts), neckerchief, and slide,  with comfortable dark-colored shoes. Please do not wear your sash or medals.

Parents, please pick up your son promptly after the parade at Abigail Adams Middle School. The parade typically ends at 11 AM when the observances begin at Town Hall on the memorial green.

We will be issuing the following troop gear - drum straps, flag straps, flags, and drums/sticks -  which must be returned by your son at the end of the parade. Scouts will carry a flag, a banner, or perform with the drum corps.