On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Troop 2 Announcements as of 10/6 - note change 10/12 evening -

Troop 2 Schedule as of 10/6- Please review - new events and information added

10/12 – Scouts interested in the Fishing Merit badge can report at12:30 PM to the Whitman’s Pond Boat Ramp on Middle St. Bring your fishing rod.

10/12 – Gym Night - Clubhouse – working on Personal Fitness MB - no uniforms, please dress in gym clothes.

10/19 - Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7 – Scouts interested in Den Chief training please see Mr. Chase

10/24 – VP Campout 9AM to 9 AM

10/24 – Den Chief training, 8 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) at Sacred Heart Church. Training includes Den Chief and Trained patches. Uniforms required. Please see Mr. Chase if you are interested.

10/26 - Meeting, clubhouse – Halloween Party

11/2-  Gym Night, First Church, 7:30 -8:45 - Please note new time

11/9- Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
11/11 – Veterans Day Parade
11/14 – Flag Retirement, 9 AM Emery Estate
11/16 -  Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
11/23-   Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
11/30-   Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
12/7 -   Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
12/14-  Meeting, clubhouse, Drum Corps practice at 7
12/21-   Meeting, clubhouse – Christmas Party
12/28 – No meeting due to School Vacation

Tim Jeanjaquet is working on his Eagle Scout Service Project at Great Esker Park on Sunday Oct 11 And Saturday Oct 17th from 12-4. Scouts participating should bring work gloves for clearing brush from the playground, painting the overhang and picnic benches. If you have rakes or shears, please bring them.

Annual Membership Renewal starts in November - all adults must complete mandatory Youth Protection training to be registered. This is our annual registration period - if you plan to participate in any activities during the calendar year you must register during this period. Off cycle renewals are only available for parents of new scouts or scouts turning 18 during the year. If you have questions, please email troop2weymouth@gmail.com

Scouts interested in the God & Country religious award or the Ad Altare Dei/ Pope Pius XII awards, please see Mr. Chase or email troop2weymouth@gmail.com

Eagle Scout candidates be sure to download and use the March 2015 materials

Our annual awards and recognition banquet, and award of Eagle Rank, will be held April 9th at Immaculate Conception Parish Center.