Our charter has been completed - 32 adults, 40 scouts, and 1235 months completed tenure
(Fact/Point of Pride - at 103 years and counting, we are the oldest continuously chartered boy scout troop in Weymouth, in Old Colony Council, and one of the oldest in the United States)
Upcoming event reminders
12/21- Meeting, clubhouse – Christmas Party - scouts should bring a 10.00 wrapped gift for the Yankee Swap - we ask that it be scout themed (camping item, notebook, etc) - no gag gifts please. And scouts should bring a dessert to share.
12/28 – No meeting due to School Vacation
1/4 - 6:30 PM - Inauguration ceremonies, Mayor of Weymouth - We've been asked to participate with the drum and flag corps at the inauguration for our new Mayor. All scouts are expected to attend, in full uniforms (neckerchief, shirt, green pants, belt) - we'll be marching in with the drums, flags, and banners. More information as it comes available.
1/8 - Annual Ski Trip to Shawnee Peak, Maine, from Friday evening, January 8th - Sunday January 10th.
1. For the month of November and December our Scoutmaster has challenged every scout to bring in bottles and cans - whoever collects the most will win a Game Stop giftcard grand prize. Other prizes will be awarded at our Christmas Party in December. Remember - a scout is TRUSTWORTHY - please count your cans and let the scoutmaster know how many you brought in during attendance. Please put your name on your bags of cans.
2. Attendance reminder - Advancement and eligibility for event participation is driven by attendance. Our Scribe takes attendance at our meetings and events. Scouts are required to participate in our events, including gym nights, parades, flagging, awards nights, and our flag retirement ceremony in order to be eligible to attend Summer Camp and the Ski Trip, as well as other significant events throughout the year. Minimal attendance may result in wait listing for events.
3. Adults are required to register with the troop to join us
on campouts and overnight events, as well as day trips, and must sign up for
events in advance so we can determine headcounts and ensure we have sufficient
staff to assist. If our headcount exceeds the needs some volunteers may be wait
listed for an event.