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Eagle candidate Clancy spruces up Newell Park It took over six months of planning and hard work, dozens of volunteers, and hundreds of hours to complete, but local Troop 2 Boy Scout Brian Clancy is happy with the result. And, so are his neighbors in Idlewell and the Weymouth Department of Public Works. Over the past few years Newell Park in Weymouth, located outside Weymouth Landing on the Fore River Basin in Idlewell, was subject to extensive vandalism including graffiti and general environmental wear and tear, resulting in a run down park. Brian chose this park for his Eagle Scout project, hoping to restore the park to a place families would enjoy without fear or injury. Brian added a picnic table and cleared much of the brush to beautify the area. Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout requires a public service project, which must be planned in coordination with external groups benefiting from the project, as well as approved by both the troop and the local boy scout council. Brian’s project took several months as it worked through the approval process, and he remained focused on his goal to beautify this park. Brian is a member of Boy Scout Troop 2 in Weymouth, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Jim Kelley. He began planning this project in 2008 by consulting with the Department of Public Works on the needs and desired outcome of the renovation. Over the next several months, with help from his Eagle advisor, Assistant Scoutmaster Doug MacCallum, he formulated the plan and wrote his application for approval of his project. Once approval was received, the fund raising and preparation began. Brian solicited donations and ran a car wash at the Weymouth Heights Club to obtain the materials needed to complete the project and was thrilled to have the wood and hardware for the tables, and tools for clearing the land around the park donated, and numerous scouts, friends, and their parents helped Brian perform the landscaping and assembly of his tables, and repainted the jungle gym, swing set, basketball court, and benches. In all Brian cleared the paths into the park, areas across the park, and added two picnic tables and a wooden bench, as well as refinishing the existing benches. Brian’s project has been completed, and he is confident that once he completes the remaining paperwork for his Eagle application, and attends his Board of Review with representatives from the local council he will ultimately receive his Eagle Scout rank. Brian will join over 200 Eagle Scouts from Troop 2 who have achieved this rank, including his father, former Troop 2 Scoutmaster Charlie Clancy and his uncle Joe Clancy, who received the Eagle award in 1975. |