On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Troop 2 Eagle Scouts

On February 28th three Troop 2 Scouts completed their path to the Eagle scout rank at their board of review, joining 8 other scouts who achieved this rank in the past year, and the 285 fellow Eagles from our troop who have achieved this rank since 1924.

Their hard work and dedication, focus and determination helped get them there, but we would be remiss not to thank the support and participation from parents, the community, fellow scouts, and our adult leaders, who make all the difference by helping these young men along the way. 

We’d also like to recognize and thank Shane Phillips, Eric Hicks, and Andrew MacKenzie, who stepped up to help early in the process as mentors and project coaches. We refocused our Life to Eagle program in November 2017, and these three Troop 2 Eagles dropped in on Thursday evenings to meet with the parents and scouts at our kickoff, helped the scouts along the way with tips and suggestions, kept them focused as they started along the trail, and reviewed ideas and formal proposals with the candidates.  

We’d also like to thank Committee Member John Reichardt for his participation in the Eagle Scout Board of Review process with Mayflower Council, which helps put a friendly face at the table for our scouts, and Troop 92 Scoutmaster George Viglas, who with our Scoutmaster David Chase coordinates and leads the Board of Review process and was the lead for many of our Eagle scouts boards.

Thanks to all of this hard work and devotion, David and I have the great honor to recognize these 11 Eagles at our court of honor on Sunday, March 24th at the First Church, Weymouth Heights, at 3 PM. At this court of honor we’ll present each Eagle with their ribbon and other awards, celebrate their achievement with accolades and follow with refreshments. We’ll also be presenting rank advancement and merit badges to all scouts at this court of honor.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend, new scouts, current scouts, former scouts, troop alumni and friends of Troop 2.