On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Troop 2 Announcements - reminder, Troop Committee Meeting Sunday 6/10, WHC meeting Monday 6/11

Upcoming Events & Reminders

Two important events are planned for this month – all require full uniforms, and are significant opportunities for our Troop to be visible in the community. All scouts are strongly urged to attend these events.
  • Our Troop has been asked to participate in the opening ceremonies for the Relay for Life on Friday Evening, June 15th.  More information will be provided soon. Please check the BLOG for updates
  • On June 24th we’ll be meeting at the East Weymouth Congregational Church to present a plaque to the congregation recognizing our start there over 100 years ago. In addition we’ll be presenting several honors to our Eagle scouts, and their Eagle palms.
Two handouts were sent home on Monday, 6/4 – one document requires a response (RSVP for Camp 2012) to allow time for planning and preparation, the other is an informational document outlining youth member behavior guidelines and expectations.

Please check out the BLOG for other recent announcements, including guidance on electronics and a great photo of our recent Ad Altare Dei recipients, who were honored by Rev. William Salmon at a special mass on Sunday June 3rd at Immaculate Conception where they were presented with a special ribbon and medal. Congratulations Scouts!

Dates for the month of June are below:
6/10 - Troop Committee meeting, 7 PM WHC
6/11 – WHC Meeting - Summer Schedule (Class B uniforms) – 7 PM – “Are you coming to camp” responses are due. Rowing & Canoeing night. All new scouts are strongly urged to attend this meeting.
6/15 – Opening ceremonies, Relay for Life – Full Uniforms – time TBD
6/16 – Tot’n Chip training (knives and axes) for all new scouts. 8:30 AM, WHC
6/18 - WHC Meeting - Summer Schedule (Class B uniforms) – 7 PM
6/23 - Pack 2/Troop 2 Canoe Day – information TBD
6/23 - WHC potluck dinner business meeting
6/24-  Presentation of 100th anniversary plaque to East Weymouth Congregational Church,  presentation of Eagle honors & Eagle palms – Full Uniforms - All scouts please attend.
6/25 – WHC meeting – camp packets distributed. All first year campers and their parents are required to attend for orientation.
Uniforms/Schedule - As of June 1 we are on Summer Schedule – uniforms are not required, unless otherwise indicated for special events. Our Monday meetings for June include preparations for summer camp and work on specific merit badges. All scouts are encouraged to attend, even if they are not attending summer camp, as we plan to work on some badges in Weymouth through August. Meetings begin at 7:30 PM, and drum practice continues at 7 PM. Meetings with alternative locations (softball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, etc) will be announced in advance and will be posted on the BLOG)

Camp - Summer Camp will be held from July 28th until August 5th at Cliff Island. Cost will be $210.00 for the week. Information packets will be distributed June 25th, along with merit badge information. If do not plan to attend camp, please let Mr. Chase know. Adults are encouraged to attend camp – we need your help with the programs and staffing. As a reminder, all adults planning to attend camp must be registered with the troop and must have completed Safe Scouting training. If you are planning to attend camp, please let Mr. Chase know as soon as possible.


Our next Troop Committee meeting is Sunday, June 10th at 7 PM. Please arrive promptly.

The agenda is below

Meeting Date – June 10, 2012
Meeting Duration – 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Meeting Location – Weymouth Heights Club

Before the meeting (6:45 - 7:00 PM) - please report any items for discussion under New Business to the Troop Committee Chair for review.


7:00   Call to Order/Opening Remarks
7:05   Circulate attendance sheet/approve minutes from last meeting
7:10   Scoutmaster Monthly report/ Troopmaster advancement reports
7:20   Eagle Scout advancement report
7:30   Merit badge update
7:35   Membership Report
7:40   Treasurers & Fundraising report
7:45   Public relations & 100th Anniversary update
7:50   Announcement of upcoming events
8:00   New Business discussion (items presented before meeting)
8:30   Close

Reminder - Thursday evenings: 7 PM WHC Garage – Processing returnables for redemption - Adult volunteers are encouraged to help. This is our fundraising source.
Please mark your calendar for these future Troop events

•June 15th Relay for Life Opening Ceremony
•June 24th presentation of plaque marking our 100th anniversary to East Weymouth Congregational Church
•Scout Summer Camp is July 28 to Aug 5 - Adults please coordinate with Mr. Chase for attendance considerations
•SOAR 2012/Boston is Oct 6-8

As always, please check the BLOG for more details or updates on these events and other Troop activities.

Troop 2 Leadership Contact Information - please direct any questions or concerns to the Troop leaders.

Scoutmaster - David Chase - 781-361-2677 - dmaychase@comcast.net
Troop Committee Chair- Brian Chase- 617-413-4437 - brian.chase1@comcast.net

Please forward this email to anyone who may be interested in the activities of the Troop.

If you have received this email in error, or wish to be removed from our email list, please contact Brian Chase at brian.chase1@comcast.net.