On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The following materials were distributed at our meeting on 6/16 and are due back on 6/23

Are you going to Summer Camp?

 Troop 2 Summer Camp will be held from 9:00 AM on Saturday July 26th to 9:00 AM on Sunday August 3rd. We will spend the week on Cliff Island, Newfound Lake, inside Wellington State Park, in Alexandria, New Hampshire. Our Troop has camped there since the late 1950’s, and all scouts are encouraged to attend for the entire week.  

We also need adults to volunteer their time to help make this week a success. If you’re able to attend, even for part of the week, the assistance on the island is critical to assuring our program runs smoothly. There are two key training and preparation dates (6/29 and 7/20) for all adults, amd all adults planning to attend must register with the troop by July 1st.

Please let us know if your son, or you, will be able to attend, and the duration of your stay, by Monday June 23rd by returning the bottom part of this sheet. Final payment and paperwork is due on July 14th.

Camp packets with all details for the week will be distributed at the meeting on June 30th, and we will begin to collect paperwork for camp at that time. Parents of first year campers are urged to attend the meeting on June 30th to go over what to expect and prepare for your son’s first multiple night camping trip. Be sure to keep an eye on the BLOG and our email blasts for more details about camp as we prepare. If you do not receive our email, please send a note to troop2weymouth@gmail.com and we’ll subscribe you!

Cost for the week at camp is $240.00 per scout, $30.00 per day for adults, with a family maximum of $700.00 for the week.

All scouts must have a footlocker and cot. The troop will provide tents as needed, A physical and BSA medical form is required, and we’ll need to know about any special medication needs or other concerns.

Your son is strongly urged to leave all electronics, including cell phones, home for the week.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Scoutmaster Mr. David Chase at 781-361-2677

Scout  _________________________________

_________   will be attending Summer Camp for the week.
_________   will not be attending Summer Camp.
_________   will be attending Summer Camp for the following days __________________ .

Adult __________________________________

 I plan to join the Troop at Summer Camp to help out as follows
________ entire week   
________________________ dates

Notes:  (scout arriving late Saturday 7/28, leaving before Sunday 8/5, etc, special concerns, medications)