On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight........... A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Troop 2 Weymouth Annual Membership Renewal, 2017

The handout below was sent home with all scouts 11/7. Response was due back 11/14 (if you did not send it back, please return Monday 11/21, or include with your dues on 11/28).

MANDATORY Adult Safe Scouting and Troop Policy training will be conducted on 12/11 at the clubhouse.  All Adults must attend to register, as we are required to have a 100% Safe Scouting report for annual renewal.

Troop 2 Weymouth Annual Membership Renewal, 2017

The Boy Scouts of America is an educational resource program, chartering community or religious organizations or groups to use Scouting as part of their service to their own members, as well as the community at large.

Our Troop is sponsored by the Weymouth Heights Club, via an annual charter, and for over 100 years our program has been registered with the Boy Scouts of America. We encourage you to support our Scouting programs by dropping off bottles and cans and participating in the clubs fundraising activities throughout the year. We also need your help with building repairs and property upkeep. Please see Mr. Chase for guidance.

Our new annual charter will be issued January 1, and as we prepare for this we first organize our scouts and adults, collect dues, and update records - Please note, due to increased costs for registration with BSA and related activity costs assessed by our local scout council, Troop 2 dues have increased:

• Scout membership dues for Troop 2 are $150.00, which covers all registration fees and the ongoing cost of badges and materials.

• Adult membership in Troop 2 requires completion of Youth Protection training every two years. Dues for adult registration are $100.00

Your registration includes subscription to the monthly Scouting magazine, and Boy’s Life magazine. Our costs have gone up for registration due to a $20.00 activity fee assigned by Old Colony Council.

All registered adult members are enrolled as members of the Weymouth Heights Club.

All registered adults must complete Safe Scouting training in December, and must perform at least 10 hours of service to the Troop/Chartering Org in 2017.

We firmly believe that no scout should be unable to participate based on hardship, and financial assistance is available for any scout with demonstrated need and payment plans are also an option for the high cost events such as summer camp and the ski trip. Please see Mr. Chase to discuss.

Plan your Troop 2 Scouting costs for 2017 using these estimates
  • November - Annual Registration $150.00
  • December – Shawnee Peak Ski Trip – $150.00
  • July/August - Summer Camp - $250.00
  • Monthly - Overnight Campouts at Valley Pines – Free
  • Other events (bike trips, overnight hikes, council events, boating trips) typically cost $30.00 per day to cover food, equipment, materials,  and rentals
  • Uniforms – shirts/pants average $40 each, belt $15, neckerchief and slide provided.
Please confirm your plans for registration with Troop 2 by returning the form below to Mr. Chase at our meeting on Nov. 14th. All forms must be returned, and dues paid by Monday, Nov. 28th 


Troop 2 Weymouth Annual Membership Renewal, 2017

(Please return this form by Monday November 14)

1. Please register my son ______________________________ with Troop 2 for 2017.

2. I’d like to volunteer to help Troop 2 and participate actively - Please register __________________ as an adult member of the Troop and the Weymouth Heights Club. (additional training and community service to our chartering organization is required)

3. If you don’t receive email updates about our Troop events, please provide your email address and we’ll add you to the list!

4. Often photos of our scouts are shown on our website, blog, and Facebook group (open to members only). Full names are never used, and scouts are never identified in photos.

If you do not wish to have your sons photo displayed publicly, or prefer we restrict photos in any way, please let us know below:


Social Media Reminder – photos of Troop events should not be posted to your personal Facebook page or other social media without permission. Please do not “check in” at scout events.

5. Please let us know of any allergies, custodial restrictions, health concerns, or considerations that may impact participation in our programs.


6. Please let us know if you have any special skills, interests or hobbies – there are many merit badges in need of instruction,  and programs where you may be able to help us out. In the past we’ve been fortunate to teach Electricity, Nuclear Science, Automotive Repair, Welding, and other badges due to the knowledge of our adults.

7. If you’re comfortable sharing your employer name, we may be able to match your employer to a fund raising opportunity. Many businesses provide matching funds to nonprofit organizations, or have grant programs available.


1. Scout uniform components – Unless instructed otherwise, all scouts are expected to wear a full uniform at meetings, consisting of a Scout Shirt, Green pants, a Scout belt, Neckerchief, and Neckerchief slide.  Scouts are welcome to change into their uniforms if they arrive late due to a previous engagement. If your son does not have all components of his uniform, please see the Scoutmaster, Mr. David Chase. The least expensive option for uniform components is often a used shirt or pants from ebay.

2. Meetings –Our weekly meetings are held on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9 PM at the Weymouth Heights Club, and our Gym Nights are held at the First Church Weymouth Heights.
  • Scouts should bring a notebook, pen or pencil, and their scout handbook to every meeting. We suggest a string bag or binder to keep materials together.
  • Scouts should not bring electronics, such as cellphones to events including scout meetings. Scouts will be asked to place electronics in a box for the duration of the event. Troop 2 and the WHC are not responsible for these items.
  • For their safety, scouts should not be crossing North Street to visit 7-11 before and after meetings. Snacks, soda, and food should not be brought to meetings.  Please drop off and pick up on the clubhouse side of the street. Please pick your son up promptly.
  • Community service and participation/attendance is essential for advancement. This includes participation in Eagle projects, as well as the Veterans Day and Memorial Day parades and our annual cemetery flag renewal in May.
  • Scouting is a safe, fun environment, and to that end we have a zero tolerance policy for bullying and hazing. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mr. Chase.
  • Scout advancement requirements are found in the scout handbook, and any questions about advancement should be brought to the attention of the Scoutmaster.
  • Our Troop does not participate in Old Colony Council and BSA fundraising, such as the sales of popcorn and candy, and does not maintain a scout deposit account with BSA.
3. We maintain the following internet resources for communication
  • www.troop2weymouth.com - static website for the Troop, includes materials and information about our history and our programs.
  • www.troop2weymouth.blogspot.com - our ongoing newsletter/BLOG, it has links to our Google calendar, and recent news and pictures from various events. This is your best way of following what is going on with the Troop.
  • troop2weymouth@gmail.com - send your emails here and they will be directed to the appropriate adult leader. Provide us with your email and you will receive weekly updates.
  • Troop 2 Past & Present Facebook Group – Alumni and friends of Troop 2, as well as current members, are encouraged to join our Facebook group to keep in touch.
  • Email us at troop2weymouth@gmail.com

Social Media Reminder – photos of Troop events should not be posted to your personal Facebook page or other social media without permission. Please do not “check in” at scout events.