At this meeting any remaining DUES for renewal must be paid and any ski trip paperwork can be returned.
Reminder - adults who do not reregister in December are not eligible to attend the ski trip.
12/3 - Weymouth Heights Club Returnable Bottle and Can drive from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon at the clubhouse. All proceeds will help defray costs associated with supporting our sponsored Scouting programs
12/5 - Weekly meeting, full uniforms - drummers at 7 PM - please pass in all ski trip paperwork
12/11 - Adult Safe Scouting/Training meeting, 7 PM at the clubhouse - mandatory for all adults renewing their membership with the troop. Please contact with any questions.
12/12 - Weekly meeting, full uniforms - drummers at 7 PM
12/17 - VP Campout
12/19 - Holiday Party - please bring a dessert, and a $10.00 gift appropriate to scouting
12/26 - No Meeting - Happy Holidays!
1/2 - Ski Trip Prep night
1/6-1/8 - Ski Trip to Shawnee Peak
1/9 - Weekly meeting, full uniforms - drummers at 7 PM