3/22 - Pack 2 crossover ceremony from 6:30 – 7:30 at the First Church – scouts
are encouraged to attend in uniform
3/23 - Drum Corps practice at the WHC
3/25 at 11 AM scouts are encouraged to attend a Veterans Event at Town Hall for
about an hour – unveiling of plaques in remembrance of Medal of Honor
recipients from Weymouth.
3/25 at 4 PM we need assistance to set up the hall for the Awards Ceremony
Sunday afternoon, for about two hours -
all hands on deck – we need help. Drum Corps will also be practicing, and
should meet at the clubhouse to pick up drums and walk as a group to the
3/26 from 2 -4:30 PM at the First Church, Weymouth Heights - Troop 2 will honor
3 recent Eagle Scouts with awards and recognition. We ask that attendees bring
a dessert. We will also be conducting a raffle to support the Eagle Scout
Scholarship - Please consider donating an item to the raffle. Please contact
Teresa Quinton at 781-340-7446 or via
email at if you have any questions,
need an item picked up, etc.
1 – Herring Run Cleanup, 8 AM to noon
1 – John Lonergan/JL Celebration of Life, Weymouth Elks, 1-5 PM – all scouts
and their families are encouraged to attend. Scouts should attend in